Leonardo DiCaprio (thanks Julie)

Publié le par english-teacher-him-and-you


Leonardo (Wilhelm) DiCaprio is an American actor, screenwriter and movie producer born on the 11th November 1974 in Los Angeles. He had his first role in a horror movie entitled Critters 3. Then he made several movies such as Romeo and Juliet (amazing rewriting of the Shakespearian tragedy), Titanic (in which he gained real fame) and the latest movies are Shutter Island and Inception. He is Martin Scorsese's favourite actor (together, they did Gangs of New York, Aviator, The Departed, Shutter Island and soon they will release The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, the wolf of Wall Street and Sinatra).

He is really concerned about global warming : in 1998 he and his mother gave 35000 dollars to create a charity to protect the environment and rebuild a library destroyed by a fire. When shooting Blood Diamond, he worked in a charity village and he gave 1 million dollars to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.


Personnaly (your teacher speaking) he is my favourite actor (#2 Johnny Depp). Not when he was young and did all that "not that good acting" stuff like Titanic (awful movie and awful acting but the lead actors did great after : Kate Winsley became the best actress in the world and so he did), the Beach, Celebrity....but he really became an amazing actor with Scorsese (ok Catch me if you can was a great movie) and his best performance was in "Revolutionary Road" (the return of the couple DiCaprio/Winslet and you can see the difference).


So what do you think about Leonardo DiCaprio? Cute, good-looking, good actor? Do you like his movies?

Publié dans Cinema

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<br /> I have seen " Titanic " .<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> I think Leonardo DiCaprio is a very good actor.<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> i think that Leonardo DiCaprio is a very good actor<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Leonardo dicaprio is great actor. Titanic is the best movie with leonardo diCaprio<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> I have not seen any of his movies even Titanic but from what I hear he makes great movie so for me it's a good actor.<br /> <br /> <br />