Doctor Who (thanks who? Harris!)

Publié le par english-teacher-him-and-you

Doctor Who is a English science fiction series created in 1963. This series is about a man (he looks like a human...) who saves the world. There are 2 series of this program. In the first one the doctor (the hero of the program) is exiled by his people and he travels in his spacechraft entitled the T.A.R.D.I.S (which looks like an English red telephone booth), in the second one the Doctor is the last survivor of his species who has been eradicated in the big war of time against the Daleks (a mutant species)

If you don't recognize the doctor that's normal there is always a story of regeneration to change the actors.

Now have you already seen Doctor Who? Do you like it? Do you prefer Doctor Who or the spin off Torchwood (which is an anagram of Dr Who).


Here is a special episode for the Red Nose Day, if you have 20 minutes, just watch, there're a lot of surprises in it : 

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<br /> That's more a comic programm...<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Oh That's Mr Bean xD<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> The Dallek is amazing ! =P<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> What is this Horrible T.A.R.D.I.S... Fortunately it's an old emission.<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> I prefer all the same doctor who that the spin-off Torchwood<br /> <br /> <br />