Eat it

Publié le par english-teacher-him-and-you

5 types of fruit or vegetable per day, pupils!!

Because it's been 2 years since Michael Jackson died and because Weird Al Janvokic rocks, here is a wonderful parody !

Publié dans Fun

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<br /> That's a funny remix... Eat It that's not stupid<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> hey you didn't come thursday! well, i was the only 3e3 there... well, i guess bye and stuff. i hope you'll keep the blog or make another way of communication to stay in touch with pupils. have nice<br /> holidays ;)<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> And YOU didn't come today, I was kinda disappointed. As far as I'm concerned, I had a mole removed on Wednesday, so I had troubles to walk and drive and I didn't come yesterday but decided to<br /> move my arse and come today to say goodbye to my fellow pupils. It was hard to bear but nice : we drank, we ate, we talked, I played the piano, Agatha sang (yes wonderwall).<br /> <br /> <br /> FYI, I will post a goodbye post to thank you all, for that wonderful year.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />