Thank you whoever you are ( all)

Publié le par english-teacher-him-and-you

On va faire l'article en Français : l'année est finie donc je ne vais pas vous souler avec une compréhension écrite.

Je n'ai pas pu revoir beaucoup d'entre vous lors des derniers jours et je voulais faire cet article pour vous remercier. Merci d'avoir suivi mes cours avec plus ou moins d'assiduité, une heure avec certains d'entre vous vaut plusieurs semaines d'expérience. J'espère que cette année vous aura apporté plein de choses : des connaissances, de la méthodologie, une expérience, une certaine maturité (bon pour certains d'entre vous, c'était pas vraiment gagné) et puis de bons moments, des choses mémorables, surtout en cours d'Anglais. J'ai essayé de vous transmettre ma au moins j'ai pu vous intéresser ne serait-ce qu'un instant (oui go for green on sait, on sait) avec mes dessins magnifiques, mes cours sur les Amish, le métro de Londres, la grand mère qui se fait moins j'aurais gagné quelque chose. Je n'espère pas que vous deveniez tous des professeurs d'Anglais mais si vous avez perçu l'importance cruciale de l'Anglais, alors c'est le plus important.

J'ai essayé de faire de mon mieux pour que vous n'assistiez pas à un cours d'Anglais classique avec bouquin, workbook et compréhension orale du genre : Hello John, what's your name? Mm it's sunny today!! puisque vous n'aurez pas ce genre de truc dans la vie réelle.

Merci aussi pour votre gentillesse, même si en 3è vous êtes moins démonstratifs que les 6è (voir pas du tout), c'est surtout pour VOUS qu'on fait ce métier (franchement, j'ai pas besoin d'apprendre des trucs sur les Amish moi) même si vous avez tendance à penser qu'on est là juste pour vous souler avec des devoirs, des good morning sit down raise you hands...on fait ça uniquement pour vous (oui bon aussi pour le salaire mais sans vous on est rien). J'ai lu quelque part qu'enseigner, c'est influencer pour la vie...j'espère vous avoir influencé dans le bon sens.

Profitez de vos années de collège pour ceux qui restent : vous avez de la chance sérieusement : même si vous pensez que le collège est en carton etc...les années collège sont importantes.

Profitez de vos années de lycée aux troisièmes : le lycée peut être une période vraiment géniale : vous allez tout connaître : des moments de stress, des moments de liberté, des moments de délire, des moments sérieux : j'ai l'impression qu'on voit tout une vie dans le lycée. Et puis le bac, votre orientation (et la sublime question : je fais quoi après le lycée?? question ignoble).

Vous pouvez utiliser ce blog pour communiquer avec moi via les commentaires, me dire ce que vous devenez etc...


Je finirai pas une phrase d'un célèbre philosophe appelé Bruno Mars (ami de Petrus Snickers, Eminem!,,,) : you're amazing just the way you are.

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Hi there!<br /> Been a while! I was lazily browsing through the internet and stalking former classmates on Facebook when i stumbled on this old blog and read through a few articles with a lot of nostalgia...<br /> So how has life been? I am now 25 and still don't know what i am doing but i locked down a steady job and i have a little dog called Oscar and a small cat named Sulis. <br /> I doubt you'll ever receive this message but hey who knows?<br /> Your former pupil in 3e Charles Peguy Lauranne Foy
Holly molly, what a blast from the past! 10 years after and you're answering, that's so awesome and I'm glad somebody is still thinking about me.<br /> I'm doing fine. I moved back to Moselle, near Metz. I've been teaching at Lycée Saint Exupery in Fameck for two years (after 8 years near Paris). Got married, got a child, have my house built. I still need the Minivan and a dog and I'll be the perfect incarnation of a suburban dad! Everything has become so different since I was your teacher.<br /> If you and your former classmates you're stalking on Facebook wanna talk about it, please send me an email on : (of course the real email is not mylastname... you need to insert my last name, well, you'll figure it out).
<br /> hey !<br /> ok, you're not a dude... ^^ funny word though !<br /> do you know the movie 'rat race' ? it's fabulous (and there's rowan atkinson) eez a race ! i'm getting goose pimples ^^ i'm weening i'm weening !!<br /> great movie anyway...<br /> well, i've got more homework than you could ever imagine and i've got new friends and that's always cool ^^<br /> well, i guess i said it all. gotta go and kill this bloody mosquito >:(<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> yo dude !<br /> didnt expect you to answer !! why did you come back on the site ?<br /> well, here are all my teachers: mlle Killian, mlle milazzo-girard, mme Alet, mme belakhenina, mme bobenriether, mr einrick, mme bernardoni, mm tritschler, mr gechele, mme martin. i guess that's it,<br /> but they look kinda young,so...<br /> and my drum teacher's name is Romain. our english lessons are so boring... we're doing Mrs mutner...<br /> oh ! and i take 'cours de couture' !! i know, this sounds weird, but i can learn how to make my own clothes !!<br /> mondays and tuesdays, i finish at 6pm... that's not cool.. and i have to take the bus at 7.10am... but anyway, 2nd is fun ! i made friends (not in my class though, 'cause they're all ***holes)<br /> well i guess it must be kinda hard for you giving lessons AND nobody listens... i imagine you telling a joke and everybody staring at you ^^'why does a banana never go tanning? 'cause it<br /> 'pills'(spelling?) !! tadadoum tchik !<br /> hey did you know that there are approx 50% of half-english people in my school ?? weeiiirrd !<br /> anyway, i guess that's it :)<br /> hey where you comin' in cattenom ? what time ? 'cause tuesdays i work from 8am to 6pm :(<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> First of all, nobody peed on my rug and my name is not the big Bebowski so I'm not a dude!!<br /> <br /> <br /> I came back cuz I was bored and I knew you wud answer.<br /> <br /> <br /> Give my best regards to Mrs Martin, the best PE teacher of all the entire world! Had some much fun in her courses.<br /> <br /> <br /> Glad you're doing Mrs Mutner, at least, I didn't do it last year with you or any of my students.<br /> <br /> <br /> I assume that if you're takin sewing courses, you're gonna end up like an Amish<br /> <br /> <br /> I'm back to Cattenom on Monday 8th probably at 10 AM because after I've got to go back home and it's a 3 hours drive.<br /> <br /> <br /> And btw: it's to peel and not to pill. Oh and do you still make mistakes with the present perfect ? ;)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> hey !<br /> your mum is a teacher in my school ^^ really weird. didn't see her yet, though. well, i found 5 half-english persons in my school (including me and agatha... yes, i found myself^^).<br /> well, really difficult lessons, really difficult things and stressing stuff... i was ill for 3days but i feel better now. didn't miss the school, cause it would have been too difficult. oh and mr<br /> paris is also a teacher in my school. and i take the bus in the morning ! weeiiird !!^^ anyway, hope you like your school and that everything is fine :D<br /> ps: i take drum lessons now !!!<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> No sh*t, my mum is a teacher?? So I assume you are studying at the wonderful Charlemagne high school (home of many Reiffers...not the high school in fact, I hated biology so I went to the<br /> Briquerie but I went there for the junior high school). Nice to know that you and Agatha are together. Can you give me the name of your teachers, I'm sure I know a lot of them. And you will say<br /> hello to them from me!<br /> <br /> <br /> Too bad you think the 2nde is hard because it's getting worse after (especially the Terminale...after if you go to college this is so relax). However I have good memories of my year of 2nde :<br /> best year in my life : did nothing but had good marks.<br /> <br /> <br /> Where do you take drum lessons (I may know some teachers too)?<br /> <br /> <br /> Life in my high school is a bit hard (not the pupils, when you've met Korner and Maire, you can handle everything) but getting used to the school (which is really big!!), creating the courses<br /> (which are basically studying long and boring texts about Gandhi, advertising), finding that your pupils don't give a sh*t (yes they don't) about the courses no matter how fun you are (I haven't<br /> changed but they are all sleeping so being fun is not fun anymore). So in a way, I miss my year in Cattenom. I can't enjoy my situation near Paris because I've got to work a lot and life is so<br /> expensive here. I'm planning on moving from here as quick as possible to teach at the university in Metz (but it's hard to get a job).<br /> <br /> <br /> So keep giving me updates about you, I'll try and watch that site as often as possible.<br /> <br /> <br /> And by the way, I could go back to Cattenom on the 11th of October to say a quick hello, in the morning 'cuz I work on Saturday morning but not on Monday.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> hey here's a 'tip' : change the article of your home page, because it scres the s. out of me everytime i open your page. well, not that bad but kind of weird anyway.<br /> you could talk about sonisphere (i think thomas said he went to it^^) or a new-new (scott pilgrim quote) group i discovered called 'Retard-O-Bot ! new punk/industrial/alternative music band that<br /> rocks faacees ! well, i go on holiday in 2 hours !! that of the hwook !<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Oh that's the reason why nobody shows up on the website! Sorry for you, I'm not going to change the article as I won't do any other article, the blog is kinda dead, maybe I will use it next week<br /> for the high school students, who knows. <br /> <br /> <br /> Try to remind your fellow school friends that the main blogger (me) is still alive and if they want to communicate, they are kindly invited to do so (to say hi, to ask questions and so on).<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />