David Garrett (thanks...well, me)

Publié le par english-teacher-him-and-you

Ok we are still in the theme : music, rock, metal and Michael Jackson (what?)

I wanted to introduce you to a wonderful player (and girls....he is really handsome): David Garrett. He is from Germany but is American and German. Just discovered him on the Grand Journal (yeah not really English but nevermind). He is one the best violin player in the world (he is the fastest) and he just released a wonderful album mixing rock and classical music.

In his latest album, he covered: Master of Puppets, Smells like Teen Spirits, November Rain, Walk this Way, Kashmir and did an amazing mix between Vivaldi and U2.

Check this out, it's incredible. If you like this kind of stuff, you can check Apocalyptica (but they come from Finland so not relevant for this blog).


Blind test: can you recognize all the songs???


Publié dans Music

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<br /> I can hear a lot of song like Mickeal Jackson !<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> I admired him, he play very good.<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> davis garett is good<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> I recognized some song and I think david garrett playing really well I admire him very much.<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> I can recognize a song by Micheal Jackson.<br /> <br /> <br />